In a heartwarming act, fourth-grade students at Cheder Menachem of Los Angeles hosted a Purim carnival, not for their own benefit, but to raise funds for Pesach needs of local families.
In a heartwarming display of sensitivity and generosity, the fourth-grade students of Rabbi Frankel, Rabbi Wilshanski, and Rabbi Gordon at Cheder Menachem in Los Angeles organized a Purim carnival for the Cheder Talmidim. This initiative aimed to raise funds to assist families in covering their Pesach expenses.
The students’ efforts culminated in a successful event, combining the proceeds from the carnival with donations collected through pushkas distributed and collected by the talmidim. In total, an impressive sum of $1300 was raised!
“This act of kindness not only reflects the values instilled within the students at Cheder Menachem Los Angeles,” said Rabbi Dovid Blasberg, the elementary principal at Cheder, “but it also demonstrates their commitment to making a positive difference in the lives of others, as the Rebbe instilled in his chasidim.”
The money was handed over by the students and staff to Los Angeles rov, Rabbi Yisroel Noach Raichik, for distribution for Pesach needs in the community.
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