Focus on the Learning

When young Gershon Shusterman began to snap pictures of the Rebbe at a chuppa, the Rebbe asked his principal, Rabbi Mendel Tenenbaum, to take it from him to return it after he is tested on some learning.

In the early years, the Rebbe would be mesader kiddushin outside 770. There were times when there were limits set on how many pictures of the Rebbe should be taken.

Reb Mordechai Shusterman, the longtime baal korei at 770, related:

My son Gershon had a camera. Once, as the Rebbe was walking up the stairs after the chuppa, Gershon approached to snap a picture.

The Rebbe turned to Reb Menachem Mendel Tenenbaum, the principal of the Lubavitcher Yeshiva where Gershon learned, and asked him to take the camera away from him.

“Test him on something,” the Rebbe said, “and if he passes, he should receive the camera back.”

Gershon was tested, and his camera was returned.

(L’maan Yeid’u p. 142)

From The Weekly Farbrengen by Merkaz Anash

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