Flatbush Parade Brought Simcha to the Streets of Brooklyn

The Flatbush Lag B’Omer Parade brought the community together in achdus, bringing Simcha to the streets of Brooklyn. The parade marched down E31st and up Ave N with clowns, marching bands, grand floats, vintage cars, and mounted horses from the NYPD.

The Flatbush Lag B’Omer Parade once again brought the community together in achdus, bringing Simcha to the streets of Brooklyn. Led by Rabbi Yoseph and Tzippy Vigler, the parade marched down E31st and up Ave N with clowns, marching bands, grand floats, and vintage cars, together with Chief Richie Taylor and mounted horses from the police force, New York’s finest.

At a time when Jews feel threatened, this sense of joy, 2000 Yidden strong, with Jewish children and families proudly marching through the streets, holding signs that showed their excitement in being Jewish and bringing light to the world, was more important than ever. 

Thanks to all the local yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs who chanted Ani Maamin and Achenu and recited Shema Yisroel on the avenue together with a Soldier who fought in Eretz Yisroel, who thanked the children for their Torah, Tefilla and Tzedaka, that helps the soldiers win. 

MC Mullie Fishbein and Producer Mendy Mendelzon led an exciting production. 

8 finalists from Mayan Yisroel’s Chidon Sefer Hamitzvos were tested on the 613 Mitzvahs on stage and awarded for all their hard work throughout the year. 

HaRav Moshe Tuvia Lieff Shlit”a graced the event with his presence.

Hundreds of Letters in the International Children’s Sefer Torah KidsTorah.org were sold during an incredible BMX bike show culminating with Medura led by Shlomie Dachs and Shea Rubenstein. 

Thank you to Shomrim, the 63rd Precinct and FDNY and to councilman Jumaane Williams for joining the Lag Baomer celebration.

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