First Tzivos Hashem Rally of 5781

Children around the world experienced their first Tzivos Hashem rally of the 5781 school year.

Powerful and motivational program in which the children sung niggunim, said the 12 pessukim and were inspired to make this year the year that they will complete the mission of which Tzivos Hashem was established; to bring Moshiach Now!.

This year Tzivos Hashem Mark’s 40 years and an all out campaign is in the works to sign up every Jewish child.

The rally was the time to motivate the soilders to go on mivtzoim on Rosh Hashona and Sukkos. To say Tehillim on Rosh Hashona and shabbos Mevorchim. To join the chidon and learn the 613 Mitzvos. To mark their missions and join the weekly, quarterly and end of the year raffles.

May this be the last rally in golus and may these children lead klal Yisroel out of golus NOW!

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