First Jewish Presence to be Established in Toronto Suburb

Rabbi Duni and Chaya Blotner (nee Gorman), along with their children are moving out on shlichus to establish Chabad of Etobicoke located on the western edge of Toronto.

Rabbi Duni and Chaya Blotner (nee Gorman), along with their three children ka”h are moving out this week, Hey Elul – Sept 1st, to establish Chabad of Etobicoke, Ontario.

Head Shluchim of Chabad Lubavitch of Southern Ontario, Rabbi, and Mrs. Zalmen Aharon Grossbaum are bringing the couple to the transforming city. part of the greater Toronto municipality, with a Jewish population in the thousands.

Despite Toronto being a pinnacle of Jewish life for the last century, Etobicoke has surprisingly never had its own Synagogue or other Jewish Establishment.

Chabad will be the first and very necessary long-awaited Jewish establishment to set up in Etobicoke. The shluchim plan to serve thousands of Jewish families, businesspeople, and students in the area.

The city of Etobicoke is a vibrant area, boasting a broad spectrum of demographics. Its charm and unbeatable location have made it one of the most sought-after areas in the greater Toronto area. Home to thousands of Jewish souls waiting to be kindled, Rabbi and Mrs. Blotner hope to build a vibrant Jewish community serving the Etobicoke area.

Since the couple is moving during Elul, some of their first activities will be hosting Tishrei services and other opportunities for the yomim tovim. They also plan to start a Hebrew School, host Adult education classes, home, and office visits, and more.

With Tishrei around the corner and a calendar packed with events for the year, Chabad of Etobicoke is planning for a successful first year. 

To take part in this new shlichus, please click here.

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