First-Ever Double Decker Sukkah Bus Was Built in Texas

The Jewish community of Corpus Christi, Texas got the opportunity to celebrate Sukkos this year in a whole new way, on the first-ever double-decker bus, organized by shluchim Rabbi Naftoli and Nene Schmukler.

The Jewish community of Corpus Christi, Texas got the opportunity to celebrate Sukkos this year in a whole new way, on a double-decker bus taking the sukkah mobile experience to the next level – quite literally! Rabbi Naftoli and Nene Schmukler acquired the Double Decker Bus and built a large sukkah on the top of the bus!

This is likely the first ever of its kind and follows in the path of mobile sukkah innovation; from pedi sukkah to pickup truck, trucks and trailer sukkos.

“This is yet another way we can ker a velt,” Rabbi Schmukler said. “This is a reminder to engage this vital mission with energy and bringing that enthusiasm to everything we do. Whether big or small, all our doings no matter how trivial they may seem can truly change the world for the good. We can take Geula to the next level!”

The double-decker sukkah was enthusiastically welcomed by the greater Coastal Bend community and enjoyed by the Sukkot celebration along with Chabad Coastal Bend’s signature pop-up-deli.

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