First Chanukah Mitzvah Tank Hits The Street in Melbourne Australia

For the first time ever, the Yidden of Melbourne experienced the joy of Chanukah with the lively music of a Mitzvah Tank parading their streets.

Melbourne, Australia celebrated Chanukah with their first ever Chanukah Mitzvah tank. This initiation was started by Rabbi Yitzchok Rahav, a devoted teacher in Cheder Levi Yitzchok of Melbourne, Australia. The Cheder Shluchim, Mendel Goldstein and Naftali Stein, joined together with the 8th grade class  to make it a reality and turned out to be a smashing success.

The tank made its rounds to different popular destinations around Melbourne throughout the nights of Chanukah, each night of Mivtzoim concluding with a Freileche Chanukah Farbrengen hosted by various  Cheder Families. 

Hundreds of custom designed Menorah kits were given out. Over 100 Yidden got the chance to put on tefillin, with 20 of them doing so for the 1st time in their lives!

In the words of an individual from the Adass Yisroel community in Melbourne: “My son told me that seeing the tank is what makes him feel that it’s Chanukah”.

The committee would like to give a special thank you to all the sponsors who enabled this tremendous initiative to take place and to all the families who graciously hosted the nightly Farbrengens . 

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