Fathers Travel From Across the Globe To Join Their Sons in Monsey Mesivta

Photos: Shmulie Grossbaum

45 fathers joined their sons at Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey for an inspiring and uplifting father-and-son Shabbos, with a full program of davening, learning and farbrenging together.

By Anash.org reporter

Nearly 45 fathers joined their sons at Mesivta Lubavitch of Monsey for an inspiring and uplifting father-and-son Shabbos, a true Kinnus Hakhel.

Fathers traveled from across the USA and beyond, with one coming from as far as Australia to spend the weekend with their sons at yeshiva.

The Shabbos was coordinated and led by Rabbi Sender Lustig, menahel of the Yeshiva, with the assistance of the talmidei hashluchim

Following Mincha, Rabbi Lustig greeted all fathers quoting a letter from the Rebbe highlighting the importance of mechanchim forging close relationships with parents. Fathers then learned a sicha with their sons, followed by a bochur and a father Rabbi Ephraim Simon of Teaneck, NJ, sharing a sicha and a dvar Torah respectively. 

The seder niggunim that followed was especially powerful with one parent pointing out that “the walls were practically singing along.”

The seudos Shabbos and all-day farbrengen were held at a nearby beautiful hall rented by the Yeshiva for Shabbos. Many fathers spoke and farbrenged during the meals. Public speakers included Rabbi Dovid Schmukler of Crown Heights, Rabbi Dovid Tiechtel of Champaign, IL, Rabbi Asher Moshe Belles of Houston, TX, Rabbi Gershon Sandler of Monsey, Rabbi Asher Goldshmidt of Dallas, TX, and Rabbi Moshe Bleich of Wellesley, MA.

Many parents shared how organized the Shabbos was with attention to every detail and how the atmosphere throughout Shabbos was truly special.

The maggidei shiurim and mashpi’im at yeshiva all spoke and farbrenged throughout Shabbos, with one speaking before musaf, one during the melava malka and the rest during the seudos.

The fathers all bonded, learned and farbrenged with their sons and enjoyed time with chaverim. Many were overwhelmed with emotion enjoying the nachas and the beautiful avir at Yeshiva.

After Shabbos came the highlight of the weekend, a beautiful melava malka and program. Some fathers who couldn’t make it for the weekend recorded messages for their sons which were shown. The melava malka was emceed by Rabbi Duddy Farkash of Monsey, and the keynote address was delivered by Rabbi Sholom Leverton of Windsor, NJ. Rabbi Moshe Liberow, director of Yeshiva, closed out the formal part of the evening. 

Live music was played following bentching, beginning with a heartfelt Ani Maamin and followed by joyous dancing.

Throughout Shabbos and especially Motzei Shabbos before heading home, many fathers shared their incredible gratitude for the Yeshiva and the beautiful Shabbos, with one father describing it as a “historic Shabbos.”

The entire weekend left the bochurim, fathers and the hanhala on a high note. Many of the fathers expressed that the Shabbos brought them a deeper connection with their son. In fact, a noticeable number of their fathers pledged to begin learning on a weekly basis with their sons, and other fathers took other hachlotos


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  1. BS”D

    Very proud of and thankful for the guidance, leadership and compassion for our Bachorim. Wow! B”H Moshiach now

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