Father-Son Evening Held at Lubavitch Yeshiva

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

Students from Lubavitcher Yeshiva grades 1-3 gathered Motzei Shabbos with their fathers and grandfathers for their annual Melava Malka.

Photos: Shalom Ross/Anash.org

Students from Lubavitcher Yeshiva grades 1-3 gathered Motzei Shabbos with their fathers and grandfathers for their annual Melava Malka.

The evening started with fathers and sons learning a sicha from the Rebbe about how one must always be able to hear the cry of a Jewish child, based on a story of the Alter Rebbe and his son the Mitteler Rebbe.

The crowd also enjoyed a performance by the yeshiva choir, conducted by Rabbi Yisroel David Shmueli, followed by a kahoot game show.


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