Father and Son Pass Away Within Hours of Each Other

Double Tragedy: Rabbi Zushe Kenig, a senior Chabad Chossid in Yerushalayim, passed away on Wednesday hours after the passing of his son Rabbi Elazar Kenig, mashpia of the Chabad community in Nof Hagalil.

By Anash.org reporter

Rabbi Zushe Kenig, a senior Chabad Chossid in Yerushalayim, passed away on Wednesday hours after the passing of his son Rabbi Elazar Mordechai Kenig, mashpia of the Chabad community in Nof Hagalil.

Rabbi Elazar Mordechai Kenig was a shliach in Nof Hagalil and a mashpia in the local Chabad community. He was a sought-after speaker and lecturer specifically on matters related to Moshiach. He was known for the joy that he radiated to all his surroundings, and it was a central theme of his farbrengen.

In the year 5748, he fell ill with a terrible disease. The Rebbe promised him that he would return his shlichus in Nazareth Illit “with full hands”. Rabbi Kenig attributed his recovery to his complete faith in the fulfillment of Rebbe’s promise.

He is survived by his wife Rochel and their 10 children.

Hours later, his father, Rabbi Zushe Kenig, a senior Chabad Chossid in Yerushalayim, passed away. His passing leaves behind a devastated family mourning the death of loved ones.

He was 92 years old.

In his youth, he studied at Yeshivas Torat Emes in Yerushalayim, where he was exposed to the teachings of Chassidus eventually becoming a Chabad Chossid.

He resided in the Shikun Chabad neighborhood of Yerushalayim where together with his wife Chana (Greenwald), raised a large family in the ways of Torah and Chassidus.

He is survived by his 7 children.

Baruch Dayan Haemes.

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