Father and Son Murdered in Shooting Attack In Huwara

Shai Nigerker, 60, and his son Aviad Nir, 28 from Ashdod were killed in a terrorist shooting near Huwara on Shabbos afternoon.


Aviad Nir, 28, and his father Shai Silas Nigreker, 60, have been named as the father and son murdered Shabbos afternoon in a shooting attack in Huwara.

It is suspected that the terrorist arrived at the scene on foot and thereafter escaped by vehicle.

The suspects escaped the scene, and the IDF has placed barriers on the roads, while security forces have begun to chase after the terrorist. The current estimation is that the terrorist escaped to Shechem (Nablus).

It is believed that the father and son stopped at a car repair shop in Huwara, and shots were then fired at them.

According to a military source, the gunfire was very precise. “This was an execution,” a military source said. “It was gunfire from a very short distance. This was not a random act.”

Magen David Adom (MDA) paramedic Tomer Gusman shared: “Upon our arrival, we found the two injured individuals, a 60-year-old man and a 29-year-old man, inside the car wash. Both were unconscious and had sustained gunshot wounds to their bodies. Together with the army’s medical team, we provided immediate medical treatment on the scene and initiated advanced resuscitation procedures.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, “I send condolences to the family of the two murdered victims, a father and son, whose lives were cut short in such a cruel and criminal fashion over Shabbat. Security forces are working with great vigor in order to capture the murderer and bring him to justice, exactly as we have done with all of the murderers until now.”

Israeli President Isaac Herzog responded, “This was a sad Shabbat, which ended with great pain, after two people, a father and son, were murdered in a serious terror attack in Huwara. I am sure that the IDF and security forces will lay hands on the despicable murderer. We must not let terror defeat us.”

The United States on Saturday condemned the shooting attack in Huwara in which Aviad Nir and his father Shai Silas Nigreker were murdered.

“We unequivocally condemn today’s terrorist attack in the West Bank that killed two Israelis. The United States expresses its condolences to their families and calls for immediate steps to end the violence and incitement to violence,” the State Department said in statement.

Four Israelis have been murdered in Huwara in the past eight months, and eight others were injured – two seriously, three moderately, and three lightly.

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