Farbrengen of the Rebbe to be Screened in Crown Heights

The Rebbe’s farbrengen of 11 Nissan 5733 will be screened in Crown Heights on Thursday night as a hachana for Yud Alef Nissan, and all residents and guests are invited to attend.

With 11 Nissan approaching, the excitement is palpable in the air. From Mitzvah tanks parades, mega-events, and hachanos all over the world, it is impossible not to feel the momentum building.

Yes, everyone is busy trying to give the Rebbe a gift, some nachas. But amidst the noise and celebrations, there’s a little voice that’s yearning for something more. For some pure, one-on-one quality time, to disconnect from your surroundings, and reconnect to the source.

When is the last time you listened to the Rebbe’s holy voice, and let His Torah, wisdom, and love inspire you and embrace you?

Take the time, this Thursday evening, to give the Rebbe and yourself the ultimate gift: unfiltered connection. Directly from the source.

Come watch a Farbrengen with the Rebbe from Yud Alef Nissan 5733. Subtitled, easy and geshmak to follow.

This Thursday, 8 pm. Hosted by the 93rd Shul, 456 Crown st. (basement of Agudah Shul).
Refreshments will be served.


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