Farbrengen Marks Yahrzeit of Legendary Shliach and Rov

A farbrengen at Chabad in Simcha Monica marked the 16th yahrzeit of the legendary shliach Harav Avrohom HaLevi Levitansky a”h, who served as the shliach to S. Monica and a rov and mentor to anash for decades.

A farbrengen at Chabad in Simcha Monica marked the 16th yahrzeit of the legendary shliach Harav Avrohom HaLevi Levitansky a”h, who served as the shliach to S. Monica and a rov and mentor for anash on the West Coast, and around the globe, for decades.

The farbrengen began with the recital of the 12 pesukim by children, a fitting tribute to Rabbi Levitansky, who began his shlichus by bringing children in California to Released Time, and who was dedicated to making sure Yiddishe children receive a Yiddishe chinuch.

Emceeing the event was Rabbi Eli Moshe Levitansky – Chabad at SMC. A siyum was made by Rabbi Isaac Levitansky, director of Chabad of S. Monica.

Harav Yosef Shusterman, shliach to Beverly Hills and rov of anash in California, a close friend of Rabbi Avrohom Levitansky a”h, spoke about the Parshas Hashavua, the unique qualities of “Gershon, Kehos, and Merori”, and how they were encapsulated in the life and work of Rabbi Levitansky.

The guest speaker was Rabbi Mendel Lipskier, Shliach to Sherman Oaks, CA, and a rov and mashpia to the larger Anash community. He shared how the life of Rabbi Levitansky was encapsulated in his name:

Alef – Ahavas Yisroel. Pure, genuine, unfiltered love for every Yid, rich or poor.

Beis – Bittul. Recognition that he is a soldier of the Rebbe, and must always bear that message and allow it to guide his life and actions.

Reish – Ratzon. Even though he lived a life of Kabbalos Ol, Rabbi Levitansky lived it with joy. Mitzvos were not a burden, but a cause for celebration

Hey – Hafoch Bo, D’Kulo Bo. Rabbi Levitansky lived with Torah. Torah guided his every waking moment, and how he taught and inspired others. No matter the issue at hand, Rabbi Levitansky would always seek the answer in Torah.

Mem – Moshiach. Rabbi Levitansky lived his life with one mission in mind; utilize this moment to bring the Geulah!

A special video presentation about Rabbi Levitansky was then shown, showing how Rabbi Levitansky would interact with people from across the spectrum in the Jewish community, and made Yiddishkeit and Mitzvos exciting for them.

The official program was followed by a chassidishe farbrengen.

Celebrating 50 years of Shlichus in Simcha Monica, a campaign was launched aiming to raise $500,000 for much-needed upgrades and a facelift, so that Chabad in Simcha Monica can continue the legacy of Rabbi Levitansky and make Yiddishkeit fun and accessible to all.

To take part in the campaign, please click here – www.jewishsmonica.com/match

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