‘Farbrengen In A Box’ Hits Crown Heights Shops

Farbrengen in a Box a kit comes complete with an interactive program, including a story, nigun, custom game and craft related to the farbrengen’s theme, raffles, prizes, and Chassidishe games is now available to everyone and can be found in Crown Heights stores in time for Yud Aleph Nissan.

MyShliach’s innovative “Farbrengen in a Box” has become a game-changer for young Shluchim celebrating Chassidishe Yomim Tovim worldwide. The popular Farbrengen box is now available to everyone just in time for Yud Alef Nissan. 

The unique kit is designed to provide Chassidishe programming for families on Yomei Depagra and enable them to mark Chassidishe Yomim Tovim in a fun and meaningful way.

Until now, the Farbrengen In A Box program has been exclusively available to Shluchim families worldwide, who receive their own Farbrengen box before every significant date on the Chassidishe calendar. Each kit comes complete with an inspiring interactive program, including a story, nigun, custom game and craft related to the farbrengen’s theme, raffles, prizes, and Chassidishe games that children enjoy time and again.

The program is designed to enable children to personally relate to Chassidishe Yomim Tovim and make it their own. With the Farbrengen In A Box, children are given the opportunity to lead their own farbrengen for their families and take an active role in their own Chassidishe education.

“We hoped to create an authentic Farbrengen atmosphere by writing out the curriculum as an interactive dialogue,” says Rabbi Avremel Silberberg, Farbrengen-in-a-Box coordinator. “The unique interactive experience makes the boxes so powerful and sought after.”

For Yud Alef Nissan, the ‘Farbrengen In A Box’ includes various activities and games centered around the day’s theme. Children will learn the Nigun “Becha Batchu” and its origin, hear a story of the Rebbe, and engage in a special Yud Alef Nissan themed activity, creating a special Rebbe’s Kapital card celebrating the Rebbe’s new chapter of Tehillim. The box also includes a custom birthday-themed card game where children can learn about all the Minhagim for a Birthday in a fun interactive game. Raffle tickets are also included, making the Farbrengen In A Box a complete package for a memorable and educational Yud Alef Nissan farbrengen.

“Farbrengen in a box provides an opportunity for families to come together and celebrate Chassidishe Yomim Tovim in a fun and meaningful way,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, executive director of Merkos 302, “It empowers parents to create quality family time centered-around Chassidishe content, something every home can benefit from, especially in this day and age.”

The Farbrengen In A Box program has gained much popularity amongst Shluchim over the years, and now due to popular demand, it will be available to all. 

The Farbrengen-In-A-Box is available in Judaica World and Merkos Stam in Crown Heights or by contacting MyShliach directly via Whatsapp 


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