Farbrengen Concludes Tisha B’av Fast in Moscow

Hundreds of Moscow residents filled the Marina Roshcha Jewish Community Center in central Moscow on Motzei Shabbos and Sunday to mark the fast of Tisha B’av. Following the fast, the crowd sat down for a break-fast which quickly turned into a farbrengen.

By Anash.org reporter

Hundreds of Moscow residents filled the Marina Roshcha Jewish Community Center in central Moscow on Motzei Shabbos and Sunday to mark the fast of Tisha B’av.

On Motzei Shabbos, the reading of Megillas Eicha was led by Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, followed by a Siyum in accordance with the Rebbe’s instructions.

Tens of minyonim were held around the clock on Sunday, starting with shacharis and kinos until midday, followed by mincha in tallis and tefillin, and concluding with ma’ariv at the end of the fast.

After ma’ariv, the crowd was invited to a grand break-fast, prepared by the gabboyim of the hachnasos orchim. The gabboyim, who provide food and drink for the hundreds of daily visitors to Marina Roshcha, set up a grand spread with all sorts of food and drink.

The break-fast quickly turned into a chassidish farbrengen, led by Rabbi Lazar, which continued for many hours with the participation of a large crowd.

Photos: Mevaser Tov – Moscow


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