Farbrengen and Siyum will Mark Rambam’s Yahrzeit

Join Live Or In Person: Farbrengens marking the Rambam’s yahrzeit and siyum of Sefer Avodah, will take place tonight at Empire Shtiebel and 770.

A farbrengen marking the Rambam’s yahrzeit and siyum on Sefer Avodah, will take place Sunday night, Chof Teves, 9:30 PM, at Empire Shtiebel.

The farberengen will be led by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz, maggid shiur of the 3 perakim Rambam shiur which takes place every night in 770 at 302 Kingston entrance, at 8:30 PM.

A Farbrengen for Hebrew speakers will take place 10:30 PM in 770 led by Rabbi Zalman Hertzelmaggid shiur of the Hebrew Rambam shiur which takes place every night in 770 at 304 Kingston entrance, at 10:15 PM.

Rabbi Sholom Ber Spielman maggid shiur of the 1 perek Rambam taking place at Lefferts Shul nightly at 7:15 PM, will be celebrating a siyum on Hilchos Shkalim and beginning Hilchos Kiddush Hachodesh.

You can join via zoom at Irguntorah.org

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