Experience Tanya As It Was Intended

Inside Chassidus announced the launch of a new podcast series, just in time for Yud Tes Kislev, featuring Rabbi Yossi Paltiel teaching the Tanya, the foundational Sefer of Chassidus Chabad.

Inside Chassidus proudly announces the launch of a groundbreaking podcast series, just in time for Yud Tes Kislev, the “Rosh Hashanah of Chassidus.” This weekly podcast, featuring Rabbi Yossi Paltiel, is dedicated to teaching the Tanya, the foundational Sefer of Chassidus Chabad.

Rabbi Paltiel, renowned for his engaging and insightful approach, offers listeners a unique opportunity to delve into the depths of Chassidus in a way that is both accessible and profound. His style is refreshingly straightforward — not judgmental, not fluffy, but honest and direct.

In an innovative approach, these classes are not text-based, removing the barriers often associated with text-based learning. This format makes the teachings of the Tanya approachable and relatable, allowing listeners to absorb its wisdom in a more personal and intimate manner. Each Sunday, the podcast brings the Tanya to life, making its timeless wisdom relevant and applicable to our daily lives.

The Tanya, often recommended by the Rebbe for those embarking on their Chassidic journey, is more than a book; it’s a pathway to personal transformation. Rabbi Paltiel’s classes are a journey into the heart of Chassidus, making the profound teachings of the Tanya accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or level of knowledge.

You can get notified when new episodes are released by clicking here.

The podcast is available on SpotifyApple Podcasts as well as other major platforms.

Listen to the first episode below:

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