Exactly One Year Ago, Yossi Lost His Life in Meron

One year later, the tragedy in Meron still reverberates throughout the Jewish world. Yossi Kohn was one of the 45 victims. Help build two beautiful mikvaos in his memory.

On Thursday, 45 tear-stained candles will light the flames of Lag BaOmer bonfires. Lives lost, homes shattered – the tragedy in Meron still reverberates throughout the Jewish world. A year later, Am Yisrael is mourning.

Yossi Kohn is one of the 45. A fun-loving, 22-year-old bochur of the Mir Yeshiva, Yossi was kindness personified. A beloved son, brother, student, and friend to so many, the departure of Yossi Kohn from this world is a loss for us all.

As Yidden, we transform pain into growth, calamity into brochos. The Kohn family of Cleveland, Ohio, has set out to continue the legacy of their son, making a meaningful impact for generations to come.

The last states in the Western US without a mikvah are gearing up to do so in honor of Yossi Kohn. Countless lives will be enhanced through the mikvaos that will bear his name.

Please visit Charidy.com/OdYosefChai to participate and give Yossi’s neshama a tremendous aliyah.


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