Even the Rebbe’s Pauses are Scrutinized in This Publication

Yad Menachem releases the next installment in their series of Umedayeik B’Maamar publications by Rabbi Velvel Adler, which closely examines the ma’amar of Basi Legani 5722, by analyzing the exact words in Yiddish that the Rebbe said when saying the ma’amar.

Yad Menachem releases the next installment in their series of Umedayeik B’Maamar publications by Rabbi Velvel Adler, which closely examines the Rebbe’s ma’amar of Basi Legani 5722, by analyzing the exact words in Yiddish that the Rebbe said when saying the ma’amar.

This year’s booklet, which spans a whopping 180 pages, transcribes the ma’amar as said by the Yud Shvat farbrengen word-for-word, and includes copious footnotes comparing the wording to ma’amarim of Basi Legani said on other years, as well as to ma’amarim of the Previous Rebbeim.

Among the many topics which he explores this year, Rabbi Adler delves into the Rebbe’s explanation of the words of Ne’ilah and Hoshanos “Otzarcha HaTov Lanu Tiftach,” and the unusual manner in which the Rebbe pauses between the words “Otzarcha HaTov” and “Lanu Tiftach,” seemingly contrary to the Frierdiker Rebbe’s instruction to connect the words “HaTov” and “Lanu.” The discussion continues at length in the Milu’im (for note 68), and concludes with a novel suggestion as to how the Rebbe may interpret Basi Legani 5710 and the above instruction of the Frierdiker Rebbe.

Click here to download ‘Umedayeik B’Maamar 5722’

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