European Shluchim Conclude Fruitful Year at Antwerp Yeshiva

A festive ceremony at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Antwerp, Belgium, rewarded the bochurim who had studied Maseches Gittin over the past year, coupled with the launch of this year’s Mivtza Torah.

By reporter

A festive ceremony at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim in Antwerp, Belgium, rewarded the bochurim who had studied Maseches Gittin over the past year, coupled with the launch of this year’s Mivtza Torah.

The Yeshiva in Antwerp, headed by rosh yeshiva Rabbi Mendel Tvardovitz, and Rabbi Shabtai Slavaticki, Belgium’s head shliach and chief mashpia of the yeshiva, currently has about ninety students and has earned a stellar reputation among Chabad Yeshivos. Students hail from Budapest in Hungary and from Manchester in England, Milan in Italy, Amsford in the Netherlands, Frankfort in Germany, and many other countries.

Towards the end of the year, a number of parents who are themselves shluchim scattered throughout Europe came to celebrate their sons who invested their full energy every day in learning the Nigleh and Chassidus.

The events MC Rabbi Shmuel Frankel spoke about the privilege of finishing another year of yeshiva and the how success and investment of the staff in the students are clearly evident.

The representative of the students, Simcha Meyers from Beitar, summarized his three years of study at the yeshiva and how the yeshiva gave him chayus in his studies and chasidishkeit.

The representative of the Shluchim Mordechai Birnhak spoke warmly about the work in the yeshiva with the students and the privilege of serving as a shliach in the second year and wished all the students success in all their endeavors.

Next, a representative of the parents, Rabbi Ari Edelkopf, Head Shliach to Montenegro, took to the podium and warmly thanked the yeshiva’s management and described the special atmosphere of ahavas Yisroel among all the students. He warmly thanked each member of the hanhalla and wished everyone continued success in the holy work.

Rabbi Shabtai Slavaticki, the founder of the yeshiva, spoke warmly about the tremendous zchus of every bochur to be mekushar to the Rebbe and bring the Rebbe nachas through diligent Torah study. He then thanked the staff of the yeshiva for their unwavering dedication to the bochurim’s wellbeing.

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