Eric Adams Inaugurates Crown Heights Campaign Office

Mayoral candidate Eric Adams paid a visit to Crown Heights on Friday to open a new campaign office for his run for mayor. He was joined by locals from the Jewish and Black communities.

By reporter

Mayoral candidate Eric Adams paid a visit to Crown Heights on Friday to open a new campaign office for his run for mayor.

The new office, located on 1022 Nostrand Ave. between Empire Blvd. and Sterling St. will be Adams official campaign office for the Brooklyn area.

A large crowd, including a number of Lubavitchers, gathered for the opening on Friday, which was attended by Adams and other elected officials.

In his role as Brooklyn Borough President, and previously as New York State Senator for the 20th district, Adams has had a long standing relationship with the Crown Heights Jewish community, and many Lubavitchers have already thrown their support behind his mayoral campaign.

Friday’s inauguration included speeches by Adams and local leaders from the Black community, as well as prayers led by religious figures.

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