Eric Adams Breaks Tradition To Allow Frum Jews to Attend Inauguration

Illustration Photo: Eric Adams prays at the Rebbe's Ohel during the mayoral campaign

Continuing his history of working with the frum communities, incoming NYC Mayor Eric Adams is breaking tradition and holding his inauguration, scheduled for Shabbos, January 1st, after nightfall, to allow frum Jews to attend.


Incoming Mayor Eric Adams is breaking two longstanding traditions.

His inauguration ceremony for mayor will be held in Brooklyn, rather than City Hall, and it will take place at night. The reason for the time change? This year, January 1st is on Shabbos, and Adams wants to enable frum Jews to participate in the ceremony.

In addition, he is moving the location to the Kings Theatre in Flatbush, rather than the conventional Manhattan setting. He explained in a statement that holding the ceremony in a thriving, diverse community is deeply symbolic.

“It is symbolically impactful for me to be inaugurated as New York City’s 110th mayor from the heart of Flatbush, on behalf of this working-class communities and communities like it across the five boroughs who have elected one of their own to lead our recovery.”

Two other Brooklyn natives will be inaugurated at the event — Brad Lander, the incoming comptroller, and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams.

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