Entire Yeshiva Greets New YG Shluchim at the Airport

The entire student body of the YG Melbourne boarded buses to the airport for a grand kabolas panim for the new shluchim. At the moment the shluchim appeared, they broke out in song and dance filling the entire terminal.

By Anash.org reporter

The Rabbinical College of Australia and NZ welcomed its newest group of student Shluchim, who will spend two years studying and mentoring the younger students in the Yeshiva.

The group of six shluchim were sent from Oholei Torah and Chovevei Torah in Crown Heights after studying there for a year in Shiur Daled. They will be spending 2 years in YG Melbourne learning with the students and mentoring them, encouraging them to grow in their studies.

On Thursday morning, the entire student body of the Yeshiva traveled to the airport for a grand kabolas panim for the new shluchim. At the moment the shluchim appeared they broke out in song and dance filling the entire terminal with sound of pure chassidishe simcha.

The group to Yeshiva Gedola includes Schneur Gurevitch, JJ Hecht, Tzvi Levitin, Daniel Namdar, Eli Salik, and Yisroel Shapiro. They will be joining Mendel KramerMendel Bluming, Avrohom Sorkin, Shneur Zalman Hirsch, Sholom Ber Liberow, and Avrohom Feldman

Anash.org wishes them much success in their new shlichus.


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