Entire Oholei Torah Cheder Gathers to Daven for Eretz Yisroel

Photos: Nehoray Edri/Anash.org

Over 1,000 students of Oholei Torah elementary, from Pre-1A through 7th grade, gathered for a kinus of Torah, tefilah and tzedaka for the safety and security of Eretz Yisroel.

Over 1,000 students of Oholei Torah elementary, from Pre-1A through 7th grade, gathered for a kinus of Torah, tefilah and tzedaka for the safety and security of Eretz Yisroel.

The students were addressed by menahel Rabbi Yehoshua Lustig and menahel kloli Rabbi Menachem Blau. A video of the Rebbe regarding Eretz Yisroel was then shown.

Five students led the Tehillim for the entire school and the 12 pesukim were recited.

Before the rally concluded, the winners of prizes for the Mivtza Lulav program over Sukkos were announced by Rabbi Mendel Levin, director of Tzivos Hashem in Oholei Torah.

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