Entertaining Parsha Publication to be Completed

Rabbi Yisroel Rubin is working to expand and finalize the “Torah Times” publication that the Rebbe had encouraged in his yeshiva years, and that he later upgraded with students of Maimonides School in Albany, NY.

Rabbi Yisroel Rubin is working to expand and finalize the full “Torah Times” that the Rebbe had encouraged in his yeshiva years and that he later worked on and upgraded with Maimonides School students of Albany, NY over the years.

“As we approach and begin a new Chumash this week, this is a project that I have worked on for many years and want to come to a Chazak, something that people can use and learn from forever,” said Rabbi Rubin. 

But there is still much more to do to complete this project.

“The Torah Times – It’s What’s Happening!” – presents the Parsha in a creative and relevant way, as the Alter Rebbe said, “We must live with the Times!”. The Torah Times may be entertaining, but it is no joke!

In honor of this special project we are offering the next 3 parshas for you to enjoy for free!

Download “The Torah Times” for Parshas Shemos, Va’eira and Bo.

Click here to read the JEM Interview for background of “The Torah Times”. It tells of the Rebbe’s interest and encouragement of this project. Click here to watch The Torah Times inspired videos produced at Maimonides Hebrew Day School with Rabbi Michael Caras.  

Please join the matching campaign this December, where every donation is doubled to make this expansion a reality! Many thanks to those behind this effort and to all who contribute to make it possible.

All donors will receive an email of the weekly Torah Times, the current issue of the Torah Times, a fun and creative way to dig deeper in the Parsha. 

The direct donation link is: www.charidy.com/ttt

Thanks for contributing to make this expansion and furthering of “The Torah Times” possible. It makes Torah accessible, relevant and fun. We hope this expansion project will take “The Torah Times” to a new level – a real Chazak!


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