Enrich Seniors’ Lives and Win a Mashke Bottle From the Rebbe

Support the Tiferes Zekainim Levi Yitzchak Organization, the only moisad that the Rebbe established in memory of his father, and be entered for a chance to win a bottle of mashke from the Rebbe. 

By Rabbi Menachem N. Gerlitzky

For the past 43 years, we have had the zechus to work at the special institution, Kollel Tifereth Zekainim Levi Yitzchok – Lubavitch Torah Institute for Seniors.

The Kollel does incredibly important work enriching the lives of seniors and elderly in the New York metropolitan area.

As of today, there are 3 daily KOLLEL’S in Crown Heights – in Yiddish and English, 

Our organization is also bringing the joy of Yidishkaite to the Seniors all year round, especially on Yomim Tovim, to the nursing homes, and senior and adult day-care centers.

The Kollel is truly making a difference, and today you can too!

Visit http://raisethon.com/ktzly to learn more, and please donate generously!

In honor of Chof Av, the yartzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchok, father of the Rebbe – who founded our Institution Chof Av in 5740, we will be raffling off a bottle of Mashkeh and a dollar and a dime received from the Rebbe, for this campaign.

For every donation of $54 or more, until the 1st of Elul 5783, earns an entry.

With blessings – Moshiach now! 

Menachem N. Gerlitzky

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