Chayenu3 Empowers Bochurim with Limud HaRambam

The highly acclaimed Chayenu3 Mivtzah is back. Chayenu, in conjunction with Vaad Hatmimim, re-launched the unique “bochurim promotion,” where Chayenu3 is discounted for yeshiva students around the world.

When Chayenu launched the Chayenu3 promotion for yeshiva students (bochurim) this past Siyum HaRambam, it was received with great excitement. Hundreds of yeshiva students from around the world committed themselves to begin learning three Perakim of Rambam daily as per the Rebbe’s Takanah (initiative).

Now, in anticipation of Yud Alef Nissan, this program is making its return, making the learning of the daily three Perakim of Rambam more accessible and affordable for every student who desires to take upon themselves this track of the Rebbe’s Rambam initiative.

The program is simple: Any yeshiva student who resolves to learn three chapters of Rambam daily can purchase his Chayenu3 for just $1.00!

The program was put into motion in conjunction with Vaad Hatmimim, who has assisted the many yeshivos in obtaining the discount price.

Chayenu would like to take this opportunity to remind the bochurim to order their Chayenu3 as soon as possible so they can begin learning without delay.

To help subsidize the cost of providing Chayenu3 to bochurim at this highly discounted price, please reach out to [email protected].

Click here to download the booklet.


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  1. Unfortunately that’s not an option right now
    Dvar Malchus can be downloaded, but Chayenu is only accessible with a subscription

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