Empower The Future For Our Youth

For 25 years and well over a thousand alumni, Bais Menachem “Wilkes” has been providing a unique blend of Torah in the light of Chassidus, character building, and personal development to all its students. Now, they are raising $600,000 to provide youth with a meaningful Jewish life.

As bochurim begin their journey into adulthood, they need a yeshiva in which to learn and grow properly. This means being able to integrate the values and ideas that they spend so much time learning about into their personal lives. For 25 years and well over a thousand alumni, Bais Menachem “Wilkes” has been that yeshiva, continuing to provide a unique blend of Torah in the light of Chassidus, character building, and personal development to all its students.

What makes Bais Menachem unique?

Yiddishkeit is a personal pursuit at Bais Menachem. A student’s entire life is taken into account, ranging from their learning style, social proclivities, extracurricular interests and talents, and modes of individual expression. Growth in all these areas is encouraged, enabled, and guided by the understanding staff. Bais Menachem’s philosophy is that every student has a unique path in life. Understanding one’s own path takes self-awareness and honesty, traits that are taught and championed at Bais Menachem. Using these skills, bochurim are able to discover who they really are, which is the main emphasis of the yeshiva, and why so many alumni attribute so much of where they are today to their Bais Menachem experience.

Why is Bais Menachem raising money?

Like any yeshiva, Bais Menachem has many areas of cost, including accommodation, food, staff, and supplies. Good Torah learning requires patient and knowledgeable teachers. Personal development and growth is aided by the vast campus in the Pocono Mountains, which is filled with facilities for students to practice their hobbies and vocations: music, photography, videography, woodworking, sports, fitness, farming, and the list goes on. Your donations will enable Bais Menachem to continue providing this type of education to all of our community’s bochurim, preparing them for a grounded, inspired, and meaningful Jewish life.


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