Empire Shtieble Kollel to Begin New Zman

Following a short summer break, Kollel Ahavas Achim in Empire Shteible will be restarting its daily learning in time for the month of Elul.

Following a short summer break, Kollel Ahavas Achim in Empire Shteible will be continuing its daily learning in time for the month of Elul.

The Kollel will begin next Monday, Daled Elul, and will take place Monday through Thursday from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. On Friday there will a shiur Chassidus in a maamer of the Rebbe Maharash.

The Kollel is geared for all men in the community, especially working or semi-retired businessmen, who are looking to join daily learning.

The maggid shiur and Rosh Kollel will be long-time marbitz torah and maggid shiur in the shulRav Shmuel Halevi Heber.


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  1. This is beautiful.

    Lichoath is is exactly what the Rebbe asked for and it would be appropriate to call it Kollel Tiferes Zkenim Levi Yitzchok

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