The eighth grade class at Lubavitch Yeshiva enjoyed special activities for the chassidishe yomim tovim in Kislev, bringing the stories of the dates to life and making it real for the young boys.
By reporter
The eighth grade class at Lubavitch Yeshiva enjoyed special activities for the chassidishe yomim tovim in Kislev, bringing the stories of the dates to life and making it real for the young boys.
During the month of Kislev, Lubavitcher Chassidim commemorate a number of special occasions connected with our Rebbe and the Rebbeim of previous generations. In an effort to make these days come alive, and not just be an historical event, Lubavitch Yeshiva’s eight grade class, headed by Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Shmueli, took a series of trips to see locations and items connected with those days.
On Yud Kislev, the day the Mitteler Rebbe was freed from Tsarist jail, the boys went to the Rebbe’s library near 770 Eastern Parkway. There, a exhibition displays artifacts and manuscripts from each of the seven Rebbeim, and the boys were given a tour of each display case by a memeber of the library staff.
The boys were especially excited to see the showcase dedicated to the Mitteler Rebbe, where they saw early prints of his seforim, as well as full pages of his holy handwriting. The sight made them connect more to the yom tov of Yud Kislev.
Just a few days later, the class had another unforgettable experience. On Yud Daled Kislev, the wedding anniversary of the Rebbe and Rebbetzin, Rabbi Shmueli brought the class to the Rebbe’s house on President St. to daven ma’ariv.
The boys were excited to see and daven in the house where the Rebbe and Rebbetzin lived for decades, making the celebration of Yud Daled Kislev more tangible for the class.
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