Effective Teacher Training Course Adds New Presenter

Igud Hamelamdim, Lubavitch Chinuch Organization, is running its 7th gold-star Teachers’ Training Course, in-person and online.

“Excellent, informative, practical, incredibly pragmatic, sensible” were words used to describe Igud Hamelamdim’s teachers’ training course.

If you are one of the 170 Lubavitcher teachers who have participated in one of Igud Hamelamdim’s 30-hour training courses, you likely understand the hype. Results-driven and passionate educators looking to grow in their teaching skills need to look no further than for the wide range of insight and guidance that Igud Hamelamdim’s gold-star Teachers Training course has to offer. 

5 years ago, Igud Hamelamdim launched this comprehensive summer training course moderated by top mechanchim in the field of Chinuch. Having produced substantive, tangible results, the course has earned the praise of teachers and principals for its time-honored methods, lucid delivery, and down-to-earth guidance. Many graduates of the course have taken up prestigious positions in schools around the country, and their enthusiastic accounts of the course’s effectiveness speak for themselves.

“Through implementing the skills I’ve learned in the course, my class’ Hatzlacha grew, not double, but triple!” says Rabbi Mendel Schtroks who teaches 4th grade at Oholei Torah.

“The course covered the fundamentals that every educator should know,” says another teacher, of Toronto. “The skills of preparing and presenting an engaging and comprehensible lesson and motivating students to love learning are essential and are creating a positive and productive school environment. I really learned a lot.” 

Rabbi Reuven Bachurberg, originally from Montreal who works as a teacher at Chabad Michigan says: “The course opened my eyes and gave me clear guidelines on how to operate a classroom and how to successfully teach the material.”

An exciting addition is being made to this year’s course with the inclusion Rabbi Nachman Yosef Twerski, a veteran Mechanech and well-known presenter, noted for his warm, intuitive and individualistic Chinuch approach. “The Heart of Chinuch” will explore the caring, human element that is necessary to reach each child and truly make a lasting impression on the youth of our generation. 

The course will be chaired by leading Mechanech Rabbi Mechel Rottenberg, renowned principal and legendary educational mentor of many decades. Learn the ins-and-outs of the classroom and practical examples from 30 years plus of experience and expertise with Rabbi Rottenberg’s engaging anecdotes and sharp wit. 

Rabbi Michoel Gourarie, heads of the Bina Institute in Sydney Australia will be speaking on “Individualized Chinuch”, helping every child to be successful through the art of differentiated instruction. He will expound on the Rebbe’s general Chinuch perspective, culled from the hundreds of the Rebbe’s letters, Sichos and personal directives and will also focus on Kriah skills for all ages.

“Operating Successfully,” by Rabbi Yehosha Lustig, principal at Oholei Torah is an eye opening course on effective parent- teacher communication. Topics that will be covered will include projecting positivity in all communications, and rising above struggles. A teacher who participated in Rabbi Lustig’s class last year says: “He really opened up a new door in my view of communication giving me the confidence to be able to have great relationships with parents on a professional level.”

Rabbi Mendel Klyne of Cheder Chabad of Detroit will discuss “Maximizing Potential,” among other topics he will expound on how to bring each talmid to their full potential as well as teaching Gemara and in-text learning techniques. Rabbi Klyne’s expertise has enabled hundreds of students to make outstanding progress in their learning.

The course is geared towards teachers of all levels of experience, the common thread between them being the incessant drive to impact the future generation with the warmth and light of Torah and Chassidus. 

“The course addressed topics that every teacher struggles with, and gave very practical advice,” says a teacher from Melbourne Australia, who is just beginning their teaching journey. 

“I recommend joining! I learned a lot from it, and saw real results,” says another new teacher. 

“The course helped me make sure that every student of mine feels like a part of the class and is engaged in the learning experience. It has resulted in fewer disturbances and has motivated each student to want to know and learn more, according to his ability.”

This year’s course will run from Monday, 18 Taamuz through Thursday, 5 Menachem Av. Sessions will take place on Sundays and weekday evenings. Each participant will receive an accreditation certificate at the completion of the course. 

Included in the course package are multiple follow-up personalized coaching sessions to help support educators as they implement the skills they’ve learned. 

“We spare no effort in reaching our goal of providing the very best Chinuch skills and methodology,” says Rabbi Avrohom Bluming, director of the Igud Hamelamdim organization. “And in order to accomplish that, our mission is to support, inspire and empower teachers, giving them the tools they need to optimize their classroom teaching.”

An early-bird registration rate will be available until Sunday, 5 Sivan. Join visionary educators from around the world, all of whom are committed to enriching today’s youth with the confidence to reach academic success. Sign up today to ensure your spot!

Click here to register today!

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