East Flatbush Residents Share Personal Torah Insights

Residents of the East Flatbush community shared their personal chiddushei Torah at the 2nd annual East Flatbush Sukkos Kinus Torah on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos.

Residents of the East Flatbush community shared their personal chiddushei Torah at the 2nd annual East Flatbush Sukkos Kinus Torah on Shabbos Chol Hamoed Sukkos.

The Kinus Torah was held in preparation for Simchas Torah, and in line with the Rebbe’s instruction for each community to hold their own Kinus. With East Flatbush having grown to a full-sized community, they too wanted to fulfill the Rebbe’s instruction.

Addressing the Kinus Torah were local residents, who each shared their personal Torah insights and interesting topics they had been studying.

Rabbi Gedalia Bluming opened the Kinus with the general idea of hosting a Kinus Torah and a sicha on the day’s Rambam – Hilchos Beis Habechirah.

Rabbi Yosef Serebransky discussed the history and concept of the Alter Rebbe’s Ksav

Rabbi Berry Piekarski discussed the concept of סיבה ומסובב באין כאחד and how it related to honoring one’s parents and keeping shabbos.

Rabbi Eli Meltzer spoke about the אמה טרקסין in the Beis Hamikdash and other topics in Hilchos Beis Habchira.

Rabbi Odom Epstein traced the concept of a choleh in Halacha and the halachos of bris milah for a child with jaundice.

The evening ended with the mara d’asra Harav Yosef Yitzchak Holtzman discussing the various sources on taking a haircut during chol hamoed.

All photos were taken after Shabbos.

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