East Flatbush Community Fights To Keep Homes Affordable

In a public letter, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Holzman, rabbi of the East Flatbush community, pleads with brokers and buyers not to hike up prices so that young families can continue to buy homes.

By Anash.org reporter

In a public letter, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Holzman, rabbi of the East Flatbush community, pleads with brokers and buyers not to hike up prices so that young families can continue to buy homes.

In a letter dated Chai Adar Rishon 5784, he writes:

B’chasdei Hashem, the neighborhood of East Flatbush is gradually witnessing the Rebbe’s vision come to fruition, it is once again becoming a stronghold of Jewish life, driven by the continuous arrival of anash families. It’s no secret that East Flatbush has become a sought-after place for chassidim seeking a community that lives in brotherhood and sincere achdus.

Therefore, I turn to real estate brokers and investors with this heartfelt plea:

Support us in further growing and strengthening our community, and prevent the conditions that cause skyrocketing housing costs, like those in Crown Heights, from coming here. Work with us to ensure that young families can continue to afford housing and, b’ezras Hashem, purchase their own homes.

Let’s work together to ensure that our brethren seeking home ownership aren’t taken advantage of but instead find homes at fair and affordable prices.

Boruch Hashem, East Flatbush stands as a united, cohesive community guided by Torah and ahavas Yisroel. With Hashem’s help, we will continue on this path, and continue to bring abundant nachas to our Rebbe.

To prospective home buyers:

Please be very cautious with your money and resist being swayed by manipulative sales tactics. Work only with real estate professionals who prioritize your interests and the community’s welfare, who will help you in finding a home without bringing harm to the neighborhood for their own profit.

I conclude with heartfelt prayers to Hashem—please show Mercy to Your people Israel.

Deliver us quickly from this dark galus, and may we soon witness the ultimate redemption through the immediate coming of Moshiach.


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  1. Same in Kingston, PA.

    They tell you, your close put in a higher offer, you might get it.

    They they go to the other one and say the same thing…

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