Early Morning Chassidus Shiur Draws Toronto Residents

An early-morning Chassidus shiur in the Toronto Chabad community is going strong a number a years after it was founded. Organizers dedicated it to the merit of Rabbi Akiva Wagner.

An early-morning Chassidus shiur in the Toronto Chabad community is going strong a number a years after it was founded. Organizers dedicated it to the merit of Rabbi Akiva Wagner.

Organized by local yungeleit, the shiur in the Rebbe’s ma’amarim began a number of years ago. At the time it was given by Rosh Yeshiva Rabbi Akiva Wagner, may he have a speedy refuah shleima. Participants say it really opened up a hidden treasure to them, helping them “discover” the Rebbe’s beautiful maamarim.

“Rabbi Wagner really opened up our eyes to this hidden treasure. May that zechus stand by him in good stead,” says Rabbi Yirmi Cohen, one of the organizers.

Today, the shiur continues with Rabbi Levi Zaltzman, a mashpia in Yeshivas Lubavitch and Rav of Beis Yosef Lubavitch. Participants praise his beautiful and geshmake way of explaining the Rebbe’s maamarim in a practical way.

The shiur just finished 2 maamarim: Basi Legani, and afterward, the famous “Balalya Hahu,” Purim Mammar, of 5720, a maamar where the Rebbe became very emotional and cried during its recital.

“To get a nice group of yungeleit to attend at 6:20 am, requires a lot of time, WhatsApp reminders, and more, but surely the Rebbe has much chassidishe nachas from this,” Rabbi Cohen said.

“I would also like to dedicate these shiurim to my dear teacher, Rabbi Itkin of Pittsburgh,  R’ Yosef Yitzchak ben Sima Chasya. May G-d grant him long, good, sweet and healthy years and a complete refuah shleima. May we soon merit to hear maamarim from the Rebbe himself, “Torah chadasha meiti teitzei,”  with Moshiach now,” he said.


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