Dynamic Workshop at NJ’s 4th Annual Kinus Hashluchos

Shluchos from across New Jersey gathered at the newly built Chabad of Hunterdon County for a regional Kinus, which highlighted the Rebbe’s directives during the era of the Six-Day War.

Shluchos from across New Jersey gathered at the newly built Chabad of Hunterdon County for a regional Kinus, which highlighted the Rebbe’s directives during the era of the Six-Day War.

With the matzav in Eretz Yisroel foremost on their minds, NJ’s shluchos opened their annual Kinus with a workshop focusing on practical direction from the Rebbe’s guidance in the era of the Six-Day War. Facilitated by Malkie Herson, this interactive workshop explored the 10 Mitvzoim, including functional strategies to enhance their shlichus in this regard.

N’shei readers: Click here for a gallery and group picture from the Kinus.

 “The creative presentation not only gave us a comprehensive overview of the subject and its history but also ignited a spark within us, motivating us to keep the mivtzoim in the front of our minds and actively integrating them into our lives and our Shlichus,” said Nechamy Simon. “The workshop translated our inspiration into actionable steps, enabling our Shluchos to collectively explore and refine our approach.” 

The Kinus was held at Rochel Kornfeld’s beautiful, new Chabad House in Hunterdon County. The day included spa stations, creative team-building activities, and a comedy show with Malky Knopfler. Shlucha Sarale Bluming shared personal stories to empower us in dealing with life’s inevitable challenges. The valuable Q&A which followed, indicated the authenticity and relevance of her talk. A highlight of the day was shluchos sharing instances of their sister-shluchos supporting them beyond the call of duty. Catered meals and a musical kumzitz rounded out this rich day of friendship, learning, and laughter. 

The Kinus is part of Chabad of New Jersey’s Mental Health Initiative (MHI) – the invaluable program provided by the Rabbinical College of America. This vital initiative provides a broad spectrum of professional training and workshops, the services of an on-call mental health consultant, and subsidies for shluchim families’ personal therapy needs. At the heart of this Initiative are the three annual Kinusim (for shluchim, shluchos, and families), to nurture friendships and connections amongst the New Jersey shluchim family. 

Presenter Saraleh Bluming observed,” To see the שבת אחים גם יחד and friendship between the NJ Shluchos is heartwarming and inspiring. They are fortunate to have this gift and opportunity to come together.”


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