Young Shluchim Drown Out Fear With Faith

When pro-Palestinian protestors disrupted a “Unite for Israel” gathering, the shliach knew just what to do…

By: reporter

When pro-Palestinian protestors disrupted a “Unite for Israel” gathering, the shliach knew just what to do…

Chabad of Tracy, California gathered together for a “Unity for Israel” rally to learn Torah, daven, and give tzedaka, when over a hundred riotous pro-Palestinians disrupted the peaceful gathering.

Not one to back down, Shliach Levi Meijers handed the mike to young shluchim Yaakov and Shimi Resnick.

Yaakov and Shimi are nearby shluchim who came to support the Meijers at the protest. They began singing Ani Ma’amin, with their young and innocent voices and blocked out the hate filled rhetoric that was being spewed by the disruptive protestors.

Their proud father, Rabbi Raleigh Resnick, shliach to the Tri-Valley, California, shared the touching moment on his Chabad social media accounts to spread the message of Jewish pride to his congregation and beyond.

The community of Tracy has been filled with anti Semitic responses to the current crisis in Eretz Yisroel and is currently raising funds to install a camera security system to keep their congregation safe. They would be grateful for all contributions participating in this life saving endeavor.

To donate to Chabad of Tracy’s new security system click here.

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