Dr. Arik Pudel of Flatbush, who was born during the Soviet Communist regime and learnt Torah underground in Samarkand, passed away on Thursday, 18th Cheshvan.
Dr. Arik Pudel of Flatbush, who was born during the Soviet Communist regime and learnt Torah underground in Samarkand, passed away on Thursday, 18th Cheshvan 5781.
He was 64 years old.
Arik (Avraham) was born in Samarkand during the Soviet Communist regime and learnt Torah and Chasidus during the time when it was forbidden with the risk of lifetime imprisonment or death. Many of the underground Shabbos Mevorchim minyanim and farbrengens were held in the Pudel home in Samarkand.
Arik’s father R’ Menachem Mendel was a close friend of the Chosid Reb Dovid Ramener (Okunov) HY”D.
Arik later moved to Eretz Yisroel and then to America, where he settled in Flatbush. Arik always reminisced about the Chassidim in Samarkand and how it was one beautiful family. Arik frequently came to farbreng with his fellow Chassidim in Crown Heights, some of whom were like close family to him. His radiant smile and warm embrace carried the warmth of the Chassidim of Samarkand.
Arik is survived by his wife Ilana, daughters Miriam and Nechama and his son Yosef Yitzchak. He is also survived by his mother Ida and brother Ahron Dovid.
The levaya will pass by 770 tomorrow, Friday 19th Cheshvan at 10:30AM on its way to Old Montefiore Cemetery.
Baruch Dayan Haemes
Nichum Avelim
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