Dozens Join New Semicha Program

Tens of Crown Heights Anash joined the first class of the new semicha semester at “Lema’an Yilmedu” institute, whose goal is to make semicha learning available to people interested in integrating Torah learning within their busy days. 

Tens of Crown Heights Anash joined the first class of the new smicha semester at “Lema’an Yilmedu” institute, whose goal it is to make halacha and smicha learning available to working people who are interested in integrating Torah learning within their busy days. 

The Shiur took place in Empire Boulevard’s “Nosson’s Shul;” and on their way in, participants received a beautiful folder, which included the relevant Shulchan Aruch translated into English, and a comprehensive English booklet of summaries. 

The program head, Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm delivered the shiur — an introduction to the course, covering the topic, “From Aseres Hadibros To the Shulchan Aruch,” which portrayed the chain of Torah throughout the generations — beginning from Chamisha Chumshei Torah, through Medroshim, Mishna, Gemoro, up to the Shulchan Aruch, Rama, Shach and Taz; and the different methods for ruling halaca in the Jewish world, including the variations between the chachomim of Sefard and Ashkenaz. 

The entire shiur was recorded, and after the shiur, participants can watch it again, and also download the program’s study material — including the multimedia slides shown during the shiur, from the program’s website. 

The program will last a year, throughout which the halachos of Basar B’chalav, Ta’aruvos and Melicha will be studied, and the participants will be tested on the material. At year’s end, a Smicha Celebration — Chag Hasmicha will take place, when graduates will be presented with their smicha certificates. 

For details about the course, visit the program website:

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