Downpour Can’t Stop Sukkos Celebrations in Moscow

Despite torrential rain, hundreds of Jews sat down to celebrate the first two days of Sukkos in the enormous sukkah in Moscow’s Marina Roshcha Shul. Leading the davening and celebrations was Chief Rabbi Rabbi Berel Lazar.

Despite torrential rain, hundreds of Jews sat down to celebrate the first two days of Sukkos in the enormous sukkah in Moscow’s Marina Roshcha Shul. Leading the davening and celebrations was Chief Rabbi Rabbi Berel Lazar.

The meals were open to all, and many poor and needy individuals from around Moscow joined the meals in the sukkah and in other sukkahs around the city.

Following the official part of the meals, the participants headed out to dance on city streets to celebrate Simchas Bais Hashoeiva, as is customary.

During Yom Tov, many shiurim were also held in the shul, and many locals took advantage of the time to come and study Torah.

Photos: Levi Nazarov

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