A week-long saga involving a Chinese spy balloon traveling over the USA ended on Shabbos when it was shot down by the US Military near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. For the local shluchim, it added an unexpected experience to their Shabbos.
A week-long saga involving a Chinese spy balloon traveling over the USA ended on Shabbos when it was shot down by the US Military near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. For the local shluchim, it added an unexpected experience to their Shabbos.
Shliach Rabbi Doron Aizenman says that before the incident, that Shabbos had been “a special Shabbat at Chabad of Myrtle Beach, as every Shabbos is…”
Following shacharis and musaf, the crowd sat down for a communal kiddush, a full meal enjoyed together by the community. Joining them for Shabbos were a number of “snowbirds,” frum Yidden who travel to South Carolina during the winter, and who fill the Chabad House every year during the winter months.
The kiddush was followed by mincha at about 2:30. As mincha came to a conclusion, they heard a big commotion outside the Chabad House, which is situated a short distance from the ocean. They also heard the roar of fighter planes, leaving them confused about what was happening.
“One of our Israeli friends said that if he would hear such noises in Israel, he would be certain that it was military activity. But here in South Carolina, what could it be?” Rabbi Aizenman recalled. “We run outside to see warplanes circling over the ocean. Our neighbors showed us a small white dot falling from the sky. It was the Chinese spying ballon. A week-long saga ended at our doorstep.”
For the rest of America, the story was just starting, with debates raging regarding the government’s actions or lack thereof in response to the balloon. But for the shluchim, it was time to head home and have their seudas Shabbos.
On Monday, the shluchim held a beautiful event with the children of our day school and their parents, marking Tu B’shevat, and thanking Hashem for the miracles, both those above nature, as well as the constant miracles on a daily basis that are concealed by nature.
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