Do You Want To Be Rich in 5784?

This Motzei Shabbos, follow the Rebbe’s instructions from Nitzovim-Vayelech 5743: If you want Hashem to bless you with children, health and livelihood in abundance, you need to give as generously as a wealthy person! Check inside for a great opportunity the Rebbe’s instruction, and grant yourself Hashem’s Bracha for the new year!

THE REBBE: If you want Hashem to bless you with children, health and livelihood in abundance,
you need to give as generously as a wealthy person!

When a Yid pledges to donate a substantial amount to Tzedakah, Hashem opens a new channel to fulfill his pledge.

The Rebbe also provided clear instructions on how to do it:

Put your pledge in writing, stating how much tzedakah you intend to give each month,
and Hashem will see to it that you can give not only that amount, but more!

Click here to submit your monthly pledge to support Maor’s work – Spreading the Rebbe’s messages to tens of thousands of adults and children all over the world.

– The names of all the pledge givers will be sent in to the Rebbe.

Click here to see the הנחה of the שיחה.
Click here to see an English translation of the sicha

So, what will be your monthly pledge?


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