Do You Know Your Friendship Facts?

Every single person needs friendship. Kids need it. Teens need it. Adults need it. It’s simple really. Friendship is made from the Best Stuff on Earth. And Friendship is worth funding.

Let’s get our facts straight.

Every single person needs friendship.
Kids need it. Teens need it. Adults need it.
It’s simple really. Friendship is made from the Best Stuff on Earth.
And Friendship is worth funding.
(Here’s where you stop to enter your credit card details. Now keep reading.)

At Friendship Circle of Brooklyn, we are all about keeping it real. So, here are some facts:

1. 213 is a Los Angeles area code. It is also the number of local families that benefit from Friendship Circle’s programs.

2. The plexiglass in the women’s section of 770 can take up to 32 Israelis actively pushing against it before breaking. At Friendship Circle, we give our parents some relief before they reach their breaking point with Parent’s Nights Out and special programs.

3. 15,068 volunteer hours were completed in 5780. That’s 41+ hours every day of the year. Which is not humanly possible.

4. Our volunteers are superhuman.

5. There are over 90 shuls in Crown Heights in basements, storefronts, and one that spreads across three porches and a kitchen. The Shul at Friendship Circle is the only Minyan of its kind that embraces people of all abilities in a warm, all-inclusive environment.

6. A circle has no beginning and no end. At Friendship Circle, our programs serve an ongoing loop of community by connecting children with teens, supporting parents and siblings, and enriching volunteers’ lives.

It’s a fact: Friendship keeps our community connected.

It is also a fact that life can be hard. Changing old attitudes and perceptions about disabilities is hard. Trying to get through Union Street when the UPS truck is making deliveries is hard. Pandemics are hard. Getting stuck behind a slow-walking out-of-towner is hard. Making friends is hard.

Friendship Circle is all about tapping into the magic of friendship, kindness, and love to make life a little easier. Our parents get support, relief, and encouragement. Our kids get acceptance and opportunities for bonding and fun. Our teens get inspiration and motivation to share themselves with others.

Because at Friendship Circle, the idea of “ואהבת לרעך כמוך” is not an aspiration. It is a fact. Whether we stand on one foot or sit in a wheelchair, we know that every soul is equal and worthy of boundless love.

Cool fact: Lemniscate is another word for the infinity symbol ∞.

Another cool fact: Love and friendship are infinite, only growing with time.

Ben always says that “facts don’t care about your feelings.” These facts, though, give you ALL the feels.

So, stick with the facts, and give from your heart.

Fun Fact: To donate $1800 instead of $18.00 you just have to move the decimal point.

Friendship is always worth funding.

And that’s a fact.

Sunday, 24 Elul | September 13 | Every Dollar, Matched


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