Diverse Speakers Animate London Siyum Horambam

Over 100 people gathered last motzei shabbos at the Heichal Menachem Anash shul in Golders Green to celebrate the 44th siyum in the daily study of Rambam, featuring insightful talks by Rabbi Mendel Gordon, Rabbi Chaim Rappaport, Rabbi Yosef Weinberg, and historian Rabbi Aubery Hersh.

Over 100 people gathered last motzei shabbos at Heichal Menachem in Golders Green, to celebrate the 44th siyum in the daily study of Rambam.

Rabbi Mendel Gordon, Mashpia of the Lubavitch Yeshiva Gedola, chaired the event, which included a fully catered melave malka and musical entertainment.

Rabbi Chaim Rappaport of the RTA Kollel, made the siyum, with a very insightful drosho into the final halachos of Rambam, which discuss the coming of Moshiach.

The first halacha of the 45th cycle was taught by Rabbi Yosef Weinberg, rov of Tiferes Yisroel and a maggid shiur in Lubavitch yeshiva Ketana. In his classic beautiful approach, Rabbi Weinberg delivered an inspiring speech on the importance of having ahavas hatorah.

A short historical sketch of the Rambam’s life was eloquently given by noted Jewish historian Rabbi Aubery Hersh of the JLE.


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