Direct Your Maos Chitim to Crown Heights Locals in Need

Before you embark on the pre-Pesach cleaning and meal planning, take a moment and direct your Maos Chitim to your neighbors, friends, and family.

As you begin cleaning and preparing for Pesach, it’s important to remember that some of your neighbors and friends are struggling to make ends meet. 

While you fill your cart with Kosher L’Pesach goodies, your neighbor in the next aisle over is carefully calculating every expense, trying to figure out how to make it all fit into their tight budget.

The pressure to make Pesach beautiful for her family when there just isn’t enough, hoping she can scrape together some money to buy the kids a new outfit. 

As a community, we can make sure she doesn’t have to face this struggle alone.

Direct your Maos Chitim to Crown Heights community members in need to help ensure that every family can celebrate Pesach with dignity and joy. 

Your gift will go towards their grocery budget, their children’s new shoes, their matza expenses, and so much more. Every little bit helps, and together we can make a big difference.

As you sit down to your beautiful Seder, take comfort in knowing that you’ve done everything in your power to help your friends and neighbors in need. 

As a community member, you have the power to make a real difference in the lives of those around you. Let’s show up for our neighbors once more and make this Pesach a time of joy and abundance for all.

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