Despite Disturbance, Beautiful Shiur Daled Photo Taken

Despite interference by a heckler who tried to block Oholei Torah shiur daled’s group photo, the yearly photo was taken successfully thanks to the photographer’s skill. Download a high-quality photo here.

As is the yearly custom, bochurim of Oholei Torah shiur daled who are preparing to head off on shlichus next year to yeshivos around the globe, take a group photo with their hanhala in front of 770.

This year, the procedure proved to be more difficult than usual, when a familiar heckler and dangerous drug dealer sat down with his dog in front of the group, intent on disrupting the photo. The police were summoned to remove the man but were unsuccessful. The photo was taken as usual, and photographer Shmulie Grossbaum deftly removed him.

Joining the bochurim for the photo were shiur daled hanhala members: Rabbi Avrohom Gerlitzky, Rabbi Nachman Schapiro, Rabbi Kuti Feldman, Rabbi Avrohom Hertz, Rabbi Choni Lesches, Rabbi Shloimy Kaplan, Rabbi Shloime Horowitz, Rabbi Yossi Shmukler, Rabbi Yehoshua Blasenstein, and Rabbi Mendel Wilhelm.

To download a high-quality photo, click here.

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  1. A heckler…. Police were summoned, but unsuccessful in removing him..
    What does that mean?
    Pick him up move him away !!
    What was (is) the problem ?

  2. He is not a heckeler, he is a dangerous drug dealer, and the police don’t do anything about it!

  3. Note the plentitude of electronic devices which adorn the man. He is also positioned regularly in a location from which survailence of the shul’s entryway is possible. Be careful.

  4. This guy is ackelberry and he’s sick in the head! The police should just put him in prison already!

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