Derher’s New Book Is Becoming a Bestseller Before it is Published

Even before it hits the bookstores, Derher’s new book of post Gimmel Tammuz Rebbe stories is already becoming a Chabad bestseller, with many hundreds of copies pre-ordered.

In a matter of weeks, the long-awaited The Rebbe Will Find a Way book will officially be released.

Many hundreds have already taken advantage of the early bird discount and ordered the book for 85% of its price. For just a few more days, you can do the same here.

The new book serves to help all of us Chassidim truly realize that the Rebbe is here with us and for us, by showcasing real-life stories of how the Rebbe finds a way to answer.

In it, you’ll read how in Moshe Grossman’s words,

“Although the doctors remain mystified, I am certainly not, considering the fact that her recovery took place just two days following my visit to the Ohel.”

Or as in Rabbi Sholom Greenberg’s story,

“The Rebbe’s brachos were clear. Totally out of the blue, we suddenly had a very substantial amount of money.”

The book is packed with more than 75 stories like these, spanning over 350 pages, which will reinspire your feeling that, as the Rebbe famously writes:

“..Send the question to the tziyun of my father-in-law, the Rebbe haka”m, vet der Rebbe gefinen a veg vi em tzu entferin, [the Rebbe will find a way to answer you].”

Every chossid living in these post-Gimmel Tammuz times must read this book

The early bird discount expires very soon, so grab your copy today!

Still unsure whether this book is right for you? You can get a taste of the book by signing up to receive one story each week for the next few weeks.

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