Death Toll Rises to 900, Hamas Threatens to Kill Hostages

The official death toll from the Hamas massacre was raised to at least 900. Hamas is threatening to begin executing hostages in response to Israeli strikes in Gaza carried out without warnings.

The official death toll is from the horrific Hamas massacre was raised to at least 900.

The Hamas terror group is now threatening to begin executing hostages in response to Israeli strikes in Gaza carried out without warnings, the spokesperson for Hamas’s Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades says, according to Gaza’s Shehab news outlet.

“From this hour, any targeting of our people in the safety of their homes, without warning, will be met with the execution of civilian hostages, which will be broadcast with video and audio,” says the spokesperson, who goes by the nom de guerre Abu Obeida.

Things are now starting to heat up on the norther border. The Israel Defense Forces said two mortars were fired at northern Israel and that troops killed two gunmen who infiltrated into Israeli territory from Lebanon on Monday afternoon, as fighting continued in southern Israel in the wake of a major attack launched by the Palestinian Hamas terror group in the Gaza Strip.

Six Israelis were said to have been injured in the northern clashes, including one critically and one seriously.

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