Dealing With Current Events Like a Chossid

The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302 releases the fourth segment of the “Moshiach Mindset” curriculum entitled: Worldview: Seeing the signs is a science. 

For hundreds, if not thousands of years, the world looked primarily the same. An eighteenth-century peasant didn’t live a life all that different from a peasant one thousand years prior. And then, recently, things just took off. A hundred years changed everything, and we’re at a point that every ten or even five years is radically different.

These exponential advancements are also reflected in the non-stop stream of news updates. To wit, the average American adult consumes over 8.5 hours of media every day, a large percentage of which is focused on the news cycle. This overwhelming flood of content has a tremendous impact on us – and we, both as a community and as individuals, should be seeking a correct attitude towards it.

Must we seek direction from any source other than the Rebbe?

This week, Tut Altz launched the fourth segment of its Moshiach Mindset curriculum entitled: Worldview, which addresses this very issue. This segment is based on the foundational Sicha of Parshas Mishpatim 5752, which the Rebbe delivered precisely 30 years ago. Learn how the Rebbe views current events and train your eyes to decipher the news with a Geulah perspective.

Acquiring this mindset takes training; seeing the signs is a science. Learn how today!

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