Day of United Study of Sichos Planned

A full day Likkutei Sichos study marathon will be taking place ahead of Gimmel Tammuz, giving chassidim the opportunity to disconnect from the noise and reconnect with each other and with the teachings of the Rebbe.

Over the past year and a half, Project Likkutei Sichos has revolutionized the way Chabad chassidim engage in the Rebbe’s Torah. Through the rigorous structure and broad array of materials, PLS enables thousands of Jews to grow in their study of Likkutei Sichos. 

All over the world, the Chabad community is engrossed in the same material week in and week out. On forums and on Zoom, in person or on Youtube, friends and strangers engage in spirited discussions about the weekly sicha.

With Gimmel Tammuz approaching, the state of Chabad and the family of chassidim is on everyone’s mind. If there was one thing the Rebbe made clear, it is that connecting to the Rebbe happens through learning his Torah. There are no shortcuts, no loopholes, no backup plans or substitutes. To paraphrase the Rebbe Rashab, the Rebbe lives in the pages of his Torah.

As chassidim, if we want to encounter the Rebbe, if we want to uplift ourselves and connect to the source of our lives —  as laymen, fathers, mothers, or shluchim —  we turn to the pages of the Rebbe’s Torah. 

In this spirit, PLS is excited to announce “Beis Medrash,” a one-day “yom shekulo sichos”, an immersive experience bringing together chassidim across the world visiting New York for Gimmel Tammuz to take a deep-dive into Likkutei Sichos. 

For one day —  Thursday, June 10th, 30 Sivan —  beginning at 10:30am, the wider Chabad community is invited to gather at Chabad of Great Neck to disconnect from the noise and reconnect with each other and with the teachings of the Rebbe. 

Joining the marathon day of learning will be Rabbis Moshe Gourarie of Pomona, NY, Rabbi Fishel Oster of Crown Heights Rabbi Shlomo Kaplan of Crown Heights, Rabbi Yosef Gourarie of Detroit, Michigan, Rabbi Mordechai Farkash of Bellevue, Washington, and many others.

This is an opportunity to prepare for Gimmel Tammuz on a personal as well as a communal level. Rarely is there time and space available to learn deeply with fellow chasidim. Chassidim speak often of “gifting” the Rebbe with meaningful actions. What greater gift could there be than taking off a day from the tumult of life to dedicate to the Rebbe’s Torah? It is not difficult to imagine the satisfaction the Rebbe will take from chassidim setting aside their concerns and shutting their phones for one day to envelop themselves in his sichos, to learn k’ish eched bi’lev echad

The one-day marathon will feature shiurim catered to all styles and levels of learning, and will conclude with a farbrengen aimed at bringing the sichos to life off the page. 

Transportation to and from Crown Heights as well as the Ohel will be provided, and a gourmet catered brunch and dinner will be served. There is a cover fee of $72. 

Please note that the event is limited to the first 150 reservations. Message a friend, call into work, and take a day to immerse yourself in the Rebbe’s Torah, together with the Rebbe’s chassidim. 

To reserve your space for this day of connection and learning, please go to


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