Day 107: Israeli Strike in Damascus Kills 5 Senior IRGC Members

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Seven: Israel dropped flyers over Khan Yunis and Rafah with the names and photos of hostages. In Arabic, the flyers read: “Do you want to return home? Please provide details if you recognize any of them.”

By Bruria Efune

War Summary, Day One Hundred and Seven

136 held captive in Gaza.
110 hostages freed.
11 hostage bodies rescued.
33 hostages confirmed murdered in Gaza.
1,300+ Israelis murdered.
193 fallen soldiers in the battle in Gaza.
5 fallen soldiers in Northern Israel.
3 fallen soldiers in Judea & Samaria.
8,000 injured.
12,900 rockets fired at Israel.
187,533 Israelis displaced from their homes.
1 Jewish nation united in prayer, charity, and good deeds.

Hostage Updates:

Israel dropped flyers over Khan Yunis and Rafah with the names and photos of hostages.
In Arabic, the flyers read: “Do you want to return home? Please provide details if you recognize any of them.”

Families of the hostages barricaded themselves in front of Prime Minister Netanyahu’s house in Caesarea and shouted: “For 105 days we begged you and now we demand: stop the execution of the hostages.” 

Protests are intensifying as many believe not enough is being done to free the hostages, and after the New York Times published an article claiming that IDF commanders say that it will be impossible to both eradicate Hamas, and bring the hostages home alive.

The IDF and Israeli government insist that this is not their stance, and maintain that the war has two goals: freeing the hostages, and destroying Hamas.

Gaza Front Updates:

The last rocket fired by Hamas into civilians was 10:00 a.m., at Kibbutz Nachal Oz in the Gaza Envelope.

Thank G-d, the IDF has not announced any fallen heroes since Friday—a two day record since the entry to Gaza!

In Northern Gaza, IDF troops continue to find and destroy many rocket launchers, including ones used recently to fire at Israeli civilians.

Near one rocket launcher, troops found a rocket manufacturing plant belonging to Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ). In and around the plant, the troops found dozens of machines, including lathes, and a large amount of chemical and explosive materials used to manufacture rockets. The equipment found is estimated to be enough to build 800 rockets. The IDF destroyed the plant and all the equipment.

They also continue to find small holdouts of Hamas terrorists, and eliminate them.

In Southern Gaza’s Khan Younis, troops found six more rocket launchers, including some which were loaded and ready to fire, as well as multiple tunnel shafts. Commanders report that in Khan Younis they haven’t found a single school or mosque without a tunnel shaft.

The IDF released photos showing cells where Israeli hostages had been kept at some point. The cells were one kilometer deep into a tunnel under Khan Younis, 20 meters below ground. Upon entering the tunnel, IDF troops battled and eliminated Hamas terrorists who were still inside. The tunnel was filled with explosive traps, and had blast-proof doors.

In Rafah, the far south of Gaza, an air strike on a car eliminated four terrorists.

Gaza Humanitarian Efforts Updates:

In response to UNRWA requests, the IDF did not deliver aid on Friday and Shabbat, so that UN staff can organize and deliver the surplus in supply. The IDF says they put no limit on humanitarian aid delivered to Gaza.

Gaza Political Updates:

Drama is stirring as the US and other countries pressure Israel into delivering a plan for the day after the war, and specifically for a two state solution.

CNN reported that Netanyahu told Biden in a private conversation that he in no way rules out the establishment of a Palestinian state. Biden also told questioners that a two state solution is not impossible under Netanyahu.

In response to this publication, the Prime Minister’s Office put out a statement: “In his conversation last night with President Biden, Prime Minister Netanyahu repeated his consistent position for years, which he also expressed at a press conference the day before: after the elimination of Hamas, Israel must remain in full security control of the Gaza Strip to ensure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel—and this conflicts with the demand for Palestinian sovereignty.”

Minister of Culture and Sports Miki Zohar, who is a longstanding member of the Likud party led by Prime Minister Netanyahu, said: “The blood of our brothers and sisters was not shed so that the Palestinians would receive a reward, and so that we would risk our future in our country. I say clearly to everyone who is still stuck on Friday of October: we will never give our hands to the establishment of a Palestinian state. This is our commitment to the fallen heroes and all that died in the massacre.”

Renown Islamic terrorism researcher, Khaled Hassan, commented, “I worked with, met and personally knew many Palestinians, including the most senior diplomats and politicians. Every single one of them, except one person, believes and hopes that the 2-state solution is a stepping stone towards the ‘final solution’, where Israel is eradicated and a Palestinian state, from the river to the sea, is established. This is an account of every interaction I can recall.”

Northern Front Updates:

Hezbollah continues with heavy rocket and missile fire on Israel’s far north. After air-raid sirens were triggered as far as Haifa, the IDF announced that it was a false alarm and the threat was neutralized.

According to the Washington Post, Lebanese and Western insiders report that Israel has given a deadline for a long-term agreement with Lebanon – until the end of January. If agreements are not reached by then, it will escalate its fight against Hezbollah. 

The IDF carried out a wave of airstrikes against Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, including an observation post, rocket launch positions, and other terrorist infrastructure. A strike in Tyre, southern Lebanon, eliminated two Hezbollah terrorists.

IDF tanks also shelled points along the border to remove a threat.

An alleged Israeli strike in Damascus killed five senior members of the Iranian Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC).

Iranian President Raisi threatened: “The elimination of senior Revolutionary Guards officers in Syria will not go without a response.”

Houthi War Front Updates

The US carried out two strikes against a military camp in the al-Hudaydah area.

According to a Reuters report, commanders from Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps and Hezbollah are on the ground in Yemen helping the Houthis in their attacks on ships in the Red Sea.

Judea and Samaria Updates:

On Friday the IDF completed a 45 hour counter-terrorism operation in Tulkarem, and summarized the results:

The IDF troops inspected around 1,000 buildings, located over 400 explosive devices including dozens which were placed under the roads, and confiscated 27 illegal weapons and other military equipment.

The IDF destroyed five explosive manufacturing labs and four observation points used by terrorists to track Israeli forces.

37 Palestinians who were wanted for terror activities were arrested during the operation, including senior members of a local terror network. Eight Palestinian gunmen were eliminated during after opening fire on IDF troops during the operation.

Over Shabbat, IDF forces were seen operating in Jenin, Shechem (Nablus), and Balata. Exchanges of fire were reported in both Shechem and Balata. In Jenin, the security forces arrested wanted terrorist Omar Abu Aqel.

On Shabbat, a Jewish shepherd was grazing his sheep near the Alon road, when a reported hundred Arab rioters from the villages of Deir Davan and Ramon in Binyamin attacked him. The IDF forces that were called to the scene were met with gunfire coming from the nearby villages, but managed to repel the rioters and arrested one of them. The shepherd suffered a minor head injury and was evacuated by MDA for further medical treatment at the hospital.

International Updates:

Italian Foreign Minister, Antonio Tajani, said that the Italian government no longer exports weapons to Israel. Tajani, who also serves as deputy prime minister, said that the government decided on this step when the war in Gaza broke out. “Italy must avoid fueling the conflict in the Middle East, with weapons. In this case it is about Israel.”

CNN reported that Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz will arrive in Brussels on Monday to meet with his counterparts in the European Union. In addition, the foreign ministers of the Palestinian Authority, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt, as well as the secretary general of the Arab League, will also participate in the meeting.

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